General Fitness, Boxing & Barbell, or Personal Training
Monthly Plans
Monthly plans are the most cost effective because they have a fixed monthly rate, which means the fifth week is essentially free in months with five weeks. Plus, the monthly charge is automatic, so you do not have to remember to bring a check!. Select the plan below that works best for you. Sign up for 5 classes per week and get an extra volume discount!
10 Class Punch Card
If you want flexibility in how many classes you attend in a week, a Punch Card might work best for you. Buy 10 classes and attend as often as you like until the punch card is used. When you check into class, your Membership App on your phone will show how many classes are remaining on your plan. At the end, you can refill your punch card or switch to a monthly plan. The choice is up to you! Punch cards expire after 3 months, so remember to get busy! You will love it!
Boxing and Barbells 6-week Course
Attend 2 Boxing and Barbell classes per week for 6 weeks.
2 Week Trial
Try out 2 classes per week for the next two weeks. You can try any class you want with no commitment. Try it now!